Ecclesiastes 3 states that there is a time for everything. Thinking about this, my life the past year has taken in a lot of different times. I have been busy with my time for school, my time for working at Apple Castle, my time for the youth group, my time for friends, my time for family, my time for applying for seminary and scholarships, my time for traveling to places like Israel and Boston. I have had a lot of "times" this past year, and each of these different seasons of the past year has brought understanding and benefited my life in some way. I was blessed so much with my time at Apple Castle, getting to know Sandy and Lyle and interacting with the other workers and customers. During my time there I learned so much about not only apples, but life. My time as a student was full of learning, and pushing myself in new ways, undertaking an American Dramatist class. Through this my writing has excelled in areas where I previously failed. My time at the church with the youth group introduced me to Chris and his family, and ended a time of four years working with the youth of New Wilmington. I have been forever changed by my time there and the people I have met. My time with friends has deepened friendships as most of us graduated and are moving on, hoping to keep in touch. My time with family has evolved my relationship with my family members; as I grow older I am in the transition of being on my own, more independent, but always interdependent with the others in my family. My time of travels have so far brought me growth and seem promising to continue to do so.
All in all, I had a busy year with many different "seasons of time". After I returned from Israel this past week I found myself itching anxious to get on to something new, but I also found myself tired. It was after multiple nights of catching up on sleep and finding my days with relatively little to do, that I realized I was being told I need to rest. I am the type of person who needs to be doing something most of the time, whether it is going somewhere, playing a game, planning a trip, working on my car, or just cleaning around my house or apartment. Usually when I find myself without much to do I begin to feel lazy or useless as if I should be doing something productive. With just a week between Israel and Boston this week I returned to a time of much needed rest. Rest for me did not entail watching five hours of Sports Center and sleeping in to noon.
For me, rest is a time of letting my mind free. Some of my most restful time I have is running. While I run I am not distracted by the TV or computer or phone and am able to digest all of the events that have been going on in my life. I can actually feel some of the stress that has building up inside of me shed away with every step I take. Reading is also very relaxing for me. When I read I am relaxing physically while not letting my mind go to mush. This past week I have also enjoyed visiting with family, friends, and recounting my travels with them. Sitting, engaging with others with no agenda and sharing stories is one of my favorite ways to rest. Like I said, for me resting is not just a physical rest (which is needed) but it is a mental and emotional rest as well full of time for reflection.
So as I sit and rest and reflect for one more day before I head to Boston, I ask you to think about what "time" you are in right now. What "seasons" have you encountered in the past year or so? And most importantly, are you too taking time to rest and reflect on these past times, so you are physically, spiritually, and emotionally ready for the next seasons in life?
This blog has been a great time of reflection for me, and a place for me to practice my writing. I am not sure if anyone is still following, but I plan on continuing writing, so if you'd like to know some of my thoughts feel free to keep on reading and comment here and there.
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