Thursday, June 17, 2010

FTE Conference 2010

Today was the first full day of the FTE 2010 Leaders in Ministry Conference. It was a whirl wind of a day. We had events, speakers, worship, and small groups planned from 8am to 10pm. The theme of the conference this year is story. We have explored our personal stories and how there have been transformational moments in each of our journeys. Much of the time we have in groups, even if we are listening to others speak, is concentrated on individual reflection of our calling in our vocation. It is quite interesting to hear others speak and then simultaneously reflect on how that may or may not relate to my life.

Through all of this identity searching and story telling of the self, our true identity in the group became apparent. In our small group discussion tonight, we discussed how it is hard if not impossible to distinguish where the self ends and the community begins. In many cultures, people have no identity if they are not associated with a certain community. As I reflected today, I became more aware of the importance of the Christian communities around me, how they have nourished me, and led me through the past so many years.

Being an ecumenical conference, the community here is quite diverse according to denominational background. It has been great to be in conversation with men and women around my age from numerous different denominations. The men and women that I am sharing my time with are the cream of the crop from there denominations, full of stories, history of faith, and specific practices. What is great to see though, is the effort for all of us to be in one large community of Christ and learn from each other. There are men and women who are constantly in conversation asking questions in a loving manner, truly attempting to learn and understand. Others will sit and listen attentively while someone is sharing a story about what they believe. Most importantly, we are spending time together, eating together, and getting to know each other as people and children of God, not labeling each other as Catholic or Baptist or Lutheran or Episcopal or what have you. Through each of these acts, I am able to see a glimpse of what I hope to be the future, where the body of Christ is open to having loving and honest conversation, with each gaining from another.

1 comment:

  1. I'm still reading - so keep writing! I know there are others who are reading also. It is a good way to know what is going on in your life besides our phone calls and quick emails. love you.
