Friday, February 28, 2014

Re:connect The Dots

Life can get crazy. Life can get blink and you miss it, grey hairs sprouting, forget what day it is crazy. This past year has been wonderfully crazy. In May I graduated from seminary, started full time at a church in June, and then got married and ordained in October. With moving apartments, joining lives together with my wife and beginning this wonderful call as a pastor I felt like life was moving in hyper speed. Imagine Chewy and Han Solo kicking it into gear in the Millennium Falcon with stars smearing by, leaving a blinding flash of lines. But in reality each of those lines are individual stars, individual dots. Even though in my imaginary Millennium Falcon I have flown past so many stars, so many dots, and so many individual moments and events, I can now take the time to connect those dots and moments that I have passed up, those stars flashing by. And the beautiful thing that happens when you connect the dots, the stars, and the moments, is that you get a clear picture of something bigger that the individual dot that is "me". I love looking up into the cold winter night sky and connecting the dots of Orion's Belt,
the easiest constellation for me to see. And as I have been looking at the night sky recently, I get excited about re:connecting the dots and the moments in my life once again; seeing how conversations with strangers, encounters with friends, laughter and tears, time with family, music listened to, movies watched and books I have read have connected to and built upon one another and highlight the line that holds us and these moments together. Here is to taking a step back and seeing the bigger, beautiful picture that God is creating here and now among us.  

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